Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government


TITLE Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE August 10, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS3B5 (Just over half-way through)


INTERLINEARIZED March 1991 (RH) - redone May91

GENRE Narrative

NOTE Linda was asked to think of a topic and then come back after lunch and tape a story.

MU669001 001

   Spoken: Kuntee    ne  maapun         egpangguhud            a    te    kaagi  
   Formal: Kuntee    ne  maapun         egpangguhud            a    te    kaagi  
 Phonemic: kunte­e   ne  mahapun        ­egpa¥gugud            ­a   te    ka­agi 
  Lexemes: kunte­e   ne  mA1-=hapun     ­eg- =paN- =gugud      ­a   te    ka­agi 
  Lex POS: adv       lnk aff =n_rt      v_aff=v_aff=v_rt       pron cmk   ?      
Lex Gloss: now/today LNK ADJR=afternoon NP   =DISTR=tell_story 1s_F NF    ?      
 Word POS: adv       lnk n              v                      pron cmk   ?      
Wrd Gloss: now       -   afternoon      tell_a_story           I    about way    

   Spoken: ni              Datu       Gawilan ne  pangulu ney        te  
   Formal: ni              Datu       Gawilan ne  pangulu ney        te  
 Phonemic: ni              datu­      Gawilan ne  pa¥ulu  ney        te  
  Lexemes: ni              datu­      Gawilan ne  pa¥ulu  ney        te  
  Lex POS: cmk             n          prop_n  lnk n       pron       cmk 
Lex Gloss: NF(II)_PERS(sg) chief/rich Gawilan LNK leader  1pe_NF(II) NF  
 Word POS: cmk             adj        prop_n  lnk n       pron       cmk 
Wrd Gloss: of              leader     Gawilan -   leader  ours(excl) of  

   Spoken: Matigsalug.              
   Formal: Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: Matigsalug               

This afternoon I am telling a story about Datu Gawilan the leader of the Matigsalugs.

This afternoon I am telling a story about Datu Gawilan - the leader of the Matigsalugs.

'kaagi' is Cebuano.

MU669001 002

   Spoken: Dengan   te  mil      bisintus      sitintay kwatru deisek  e    pad,   
   Formal: Dengan   te  mil      nuwibisintus  sitintay kwatru deisek  e    pad    
 Phonemic: de¥an    te  mil      nuibisintus   sitintay kwatru de­isek ­e   pad    
  Lexemes: de¥an    te  mil      nuibi=sintus  sitintay kwatru de­isek ­a   pad    
  Lex POS: adj      cmk num      num  =num     num      num    adj     pron part   
Lex Gloss: past     NF  thousand nine =hundred seventy  four   small   1s_F INCOMP 
 Word POS: adj      cmk num      num           n        n      adj     pron part   
Wrd Gloss: long_ago at  thousand nine-hundred  seventy  four   little  I    still  

   Spoken: utsu  anyus  e    pad.   
   Formal: utsu  anyus  e    pad    
 Phonemic: ­utsu ­anyus ­e   pad    
  Lexemes: ­utsu ­anyus ­e   pad    
  Lex POS: num   n      part part   
Lex Gloss: eight year   COMP INCOMP 
 Word POS: num   n      part part   
Wrd Gloss: eight year   COMP still  

Long ago in 1974, I was still small, I was still eight years old.

In 1974, I was still small - only eight years old.


MU669001 003

   Spoken: Mig-iskwila    key      riye  te  Malamba te  grade two a.   
   Formal: Mig-iskwila    key      riye  te  Malamba te  grade two a    
 Phonemic: mig­iskwila    key      die­  te  Malamba te  grade two ­a   
  Lexemes: mig- =­iskwila key      die­  te  Malamba te  grade two ­a   
  Lex POS: v_aff=n_rt     pron     dem   cmk prop_n  cmk n     n   pron 
Lex Gloss: P    =school   1pe_F    there NF  Malamba NF  grade two 1s_F 
 Word POS: v              pron     dem   cmk prop_n  cmk n     n   pron 
Wrd Gloss: went_to_school we(excl) there at  Malamba in  grade two I    

We schooled there at Malamba, I was in grade two.

We went to school in Malamba, I was in grade two.

MU669001 004

   Spoken: Mig-uli                key      rini     te  vacation ney,       Marsu. 
   Formal: Mig-uli                key      rini     te  vacation ney        Marsu  
 Phonemic: mig­uli­               key      dini     te  vacation ney        Marsu  
  Lexemes: mig- =­uli­            key      dini     te  vacation ney        Marsu  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt             pron     loc_pron cmk n        pron       prop_n 
Lex Gloss: P    =return_home/heal 1pe_F    here     NF  vacation 1pe_NF(II) March  
 Word POS: v                      pron     loc_pron cmk n        pron       prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: returned_home          we(excl) here     at  vacation ours(excl) March  

We returned home here in our vacation in March.

In March we returned home here during the vacation.

MU669001 005

   Spoken: Nekeuma            key      kayi ma       te  duen        e    
   Formal: Nekeuma            key      kayi ma       te  duen        e    
 Phonemic: neke­uma           key      kai  ma­      te  du­en       ­e   
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­uma   key      kai  mani­a   te  du­e1   =-N ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   pron     dem  ques     cmk psd_v   =– part 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=arrive 1pe_F    here why      NF  there_is=– COMP 
 Word POS: v                  pron     dem  int_pron cmk psd_v       part 
Wrd Gloss: arrived            we(excl) here why      -   there_is    COMP 

   Spoken: guhuren          ne  migribildi    e    si         Datu       Gawilan. 
   Formal: guhuren          ne  migribildi    e    si         Datu       Gawilan  
 Phonemic: guguden          ne  migribildi    ­e   si         datu­      Gawilan  
  Lexemes: gugud     =-en   ne  mig- =ribildi ­e   si         datu­      Gawilan  
  Lex POS: v_rt      =v_aff lnk v_aff=v_rt    part cmk        n          prop_n   
Lex Gloss: tell_story=ObF   LNK P    =rebel   COMP F_PERS(sg) chief/rich Gawilan  
 Word POS: n                lnk v             part cmk        adj        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: story            -   rebelled      COMP -          chieftain  Gawilan  

Having arrived here, why there was a story that Datu Gawilan had rebelled.

When we got here, we heard that Datu Gawilan had rebelled.

MU669001 006

   Spoken: Ne  si         ame,  egderalu          e.   
   Formal: Ne  si         ame   egderalu          e    
 Phonemic: ne  si         ­ame­ ­egdedalu         ­e   
  Lexemes: ne  si         ­ame­ ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu ­e   
  Lex POS: lnk cmk        n     v_aff=v_aff =n    part 
Lex Gloss: LNK F_PERS(sg) daddy NP   =-     =sick COMP 
 Word POS: lnk cmk        n     v                 part 
Wrd Gloss: -   -          dad   be_ill            COMP 

Father was ill.

Father was ill.

MU669001 007

   Spoken: Miglebag    ka  bilat din, migbuu.     
   Formal: Miglebag    ka  bilat din  migbuu      
 Phonemic: miglebag    ka2 bilat din  migbu­u     
  Lexemes: mig- =lebag ka2 bilat din  mig- =bu­u  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  cmk n     pron v_aff=n     
Lex Gloss: P    =swell F   groin 3s_F P    =boil  
 Word POS: v           cmk n     pron v           
Wrd Gloss: swollen     the groin he   have_a_boil 

His groin was swollen, he had a boil.

His groin was swollen with a boil.

MU669001 008

   Spoken: Ne  lasey     ney        su         sikanami,       ware  maama   
   Formal: Ne  lasey     ney        su         sikanami        ware  maama   
 Phonemic: ne  lasey     ney        su         sikanami        wade­ ma­ama  
  Lexemes: ne  lasey     ney        su         sikanami        wade­ ma­ama  
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt?     pron       conj       pron            adv   n       
Lex Gloss: LNK difficult 1pe_NF(II) because/so 1pe_TOPIC       no    brother 
 Word POS: lnk adj       pron       conj       pron            adv   n       
Wrd Gloss: -   difficult we(excl)   because    as_for_us(excl) no    brother 

   Spoken: ney,       ware  lukes, neelin        key      ne  malitan. 
   Formal: ney        ware  lukes  neelin        key      ne  malitan  
 Phonemic: ney        wade­ lukes  ne­elin       key      ne  malitan  
  Lexemes: ney        wade­ lukes  nA-    =­elin key      ne  malitan  
  Lex POS: pron       adv   n      v_aff  =v_rt  pron     lnk n        
Lex Gloss: 1pe_NF(II) no    male   P_ObF  =all   1pe_F    LNK woman    
 Word POS: pron       adv   n      v             pron     lnk n        
Wrd Gloss: ours(excl) no    male   all           we(excl) -   woman    

It was difficult because we had no brother, no male, we were all females.

It was difficult because we had no (other) males in the family, we were all females.

MU669001 009

   Spoken: Due       kalabew       ney.       
   Formal: Due       kalabew       ney        
 Phonemic: du­e1     kalabew       ney        
  Lexemes: du­e1     kalabew       ney        
  Lex POS: psd_v     n             pron       
Lex Gloss: there_is  water_buffalo 1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: psd_v     n             pron       
Wrd Gloss: there_was water_buffalo ours(excl) 

There was our carabbao.

We had a water buffalo.

MU669001 010

   Spoken: Due       babuy. 
   Formal: Due       babuy  
 Phonemic: du­e1     babuy  
  Lexemes: du­e1     babuy  
  Lex POS: psd_v     n      
Lex Gloss: there_is  pig    
 Word POS: psd_v     n      
Wrd Gloss: there_was pig    

There was a pig.

We had a pig.

MU669001 011

   Spoken: Masulug     se  manuk   ney.       
   Formal: Masulug     se  manuk   ney        
 Phonemic: Masulug     se  manuk   ney        
  Lexemes: mA1-=sulug  se  manuk   ney        
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt cmk n       pron       
Lex Gloss: ADJR=many   F   chicken 1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: prop_n      cmk n       pron       
Wrd Gloss: Masulug     the chicken ours(excl) 

We had many chickens.

We had many chickens.

MU669001 012

   Spoken: Dueng    key      mig-ugpe     te  sabang    te  Lebeng, luti ney        
   Formal: duen     key      mig-ugpe     te  sabang    te  Lebeng  luti ney        
 Phonemic: du­en    key      mig­ugpe­    te  saba¥     te  Lebe¥   luti ney        
  Lexemes: du­e2=-N key      mig- =­ugpe­ te  saba¥     te  Lebe¥   luti ney        
  Lex POS: pron =– pron     v_aff=v_rt   cmk n         cmk v_rt    n    pron       
Lex Gloss: there=– 1pe_F    P    =stay   NF  tributary NF  bury    lot  1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: dem      pron     v            cmk n         cmk prop_n  n    pron       
Wrd Gloss: there    we(excl) lived        at  tributary at  Lebeng  lot  ours(excl) 

   Spoken: kuntee.   
   Formal: kuntee    
 Phonemic: kunte­e   
  Lexemes: kunte­e   
  Lex POS: adv       
Lex Gloss: now/today 
 Word POS: adv       
Wrd Gloss: now       

We lived there at the tributary at Lebeng, our lot now.

We lived there at our present lot at the tributary at Lebeng.

MU669001 013

   Spoken: Namallahuy       es       me     ruma      ney        neg 
   Formal: Namallahuy       e    se  me     ruma      ney        ne  
 Phonemic: namallaguy       ­e  #se  me1    duma      ney        ne  
  Lexemes: naN-   =pallaguy ­e  #se  me1    duma      ney        ne  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt     part#cmk adt    adj       pron       lnk 
Lex Gloss: P_DIST =run      COMP#F   PLURAL other     1pe_NF(II) LNK 
 Word POS: v                part#cmk adt    n         pron       lnk 
Wrd Gloss: all_ran          COMP#the -      companion ours(excl) -   

   Spoken: kaaldek            te  sundalu. 
   Formal: egkaaldek          te  sundalu  
 Phonemic: ­egkahaldek        te  sundalu  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =haldek te  sundalu  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt   cmk n        
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=afraid NF  soldier  
 Word POS: v                  cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: afraid             of  soldier  

Our companions that were afraid of soldiers had ran already.

Our companions that were afraid of the soldiers had already fled.

MU669001 014

   Spoken: Diyad          et       me     bubungan. 
   Formal: Diyad          e    te  me     bubungan  
 Phonemic: diad           ­e  #te  me1    bubu¥an   
  Lexemes: die­ =-d       ­e  #te  me1    bubu¥an   
  Lex POS: dem  =nonv_aff part#cmk adt    n         
Lex Gloss: there=COMPL    COMP#NF  PLURAL mountain  
 Word POS: adt            part#cmk adt    n         
Wrd Gloss: there          COMP#at  -      hill      

There in the hills.

They had already taken to the hills.

MU669001 015

   Spoken: Duma  ney        diyad          te  Tahawili. 
   Formal: Duma  ney        diyad          te  Tahawili  
 Phonemic: duma  ney        diad           te  Tagawili  
  Lexemes: duma  ney        die­ =-d       te  Tagawili  
  Lex POS: adj   pron       dem  =nonv_aff cmk prop_n    
Lex Gloss: other 1pe_NF(II) there=COMPL    NF  Tahawili  
 Word POS: n     pron       adt            cmk prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: other ours(excl) there          at  Tahawili  

Our companions were there at Tahawili.

Some went to Tahawili.

MU669001 016

   Spoken: Duma      ney        diyad          te  dirayat           Palabew, 
   Formal: Duma      ney        diyad          te  diraya        te  Palabew  
 Phonemic: duma      ney        diad           te  didaya       #te  Palabew  
  Lexemes: duma      ney        die­ =-d       te  di-  =daya   #te  Palabew  
  Lex POS: adj       pron       dem  =nonv_aff cmk v_aff=prep_rt#cmk prop_n   
Lex Gloss: other     1pe_NF(II) there=COMPL    NF  POS  =upriver#NF  Palabew  
 Word POS: n         pron       adt            cmk n            #cmk prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: companion ours(excl) there          of  upstream     #at  Palabew  

   Spoken: diyet      Betey. 
   Formal: diye   te  Betey  
 Phonemic: die­  #te  Betey  
  Lexemes: die­  #te  Betey  
  Lex POS: dem   #cmk prop_n 
Lex Gloss: there #NF  Betey  
 Word POS: pron  #cmk prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: there #at  Betey  

Our companions were there upriver from Palabew at Betey.

Others were at Betey, upstream from Palabew.

MU669001 017

   Spoken: Me     ruman     me     etew   seeyad              et       
   Formal: Me     ruma  ne  me     etew   seeyad              e    te  
 Phonemic: me1    duma #ne  me1    ­etew  se­eyad             ­e  #te  
  Lexemes: me1    duma #ne  me1    ­etew  se­eye­   =-d       ­e  #te  
  Lex POS: adt    adj  #lnk adt    n      dem       =nonv_aff part#cmk 
Lex Gloss: PLURAL other#LNK PLURAL person that_there=COMPL    COMP#NF  
 Word POS: adt    adj  #lnk adt    n      dem                 part#cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -      other#-   -      person there               COMP#at  

   Spoken: dirayat             Panganan. 
   Formal: diraya        te    Panganan  
 Phonemic: didaya       #te    Pa¥anan   
  Lexemes: di-  =daya   #te    Pa¥anan   
  Lex POS: v_aff=prep_rt#cmk   prop_n    
Lex Gloss: POS  =upriver#NF    Panganan  
 Word POS: n            #cmk   prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: upstream     #about Panganan  

The other people were there upstream from Panganan.

Others went up the Panganan creek.

MU669001 018

   Spoken: Me     duma      ney        diyad          et       dirayat           
   Formal: Me     duma      ney        diyad          e    te  diraya        te  
 Phonemic: me1    duma      ney        diad           ­e  #te  didaya       #te  
  Lexemes: me1    duma      ney        die­ =-d       ­e  #te  di-  =daya   #te  
  Lex POS: adt    adj       pron       dem  =nonv_aff part#cmk v_aff=prep_rt#cmk 
Lex Gloss: PLURAL other     1pe_NF(II) there=COMPL    COMP#NF  POS  =upriver#NF  
 Word POS: adt    n         pron       adt            part#cmk n            #cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -      companion ours(excl) there          COMP#at  upstream     #of  

   Spoken: Lebeng. 
   Formal: Lebeng  
 Phonemic: Lebe¥   
  Lexemes: Lebe¥   
  Lex POS: v_rt    
Lex Gloss: bury    
 Word POS: prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: Lebeng  

Our companions were there upstream from Lebeng.

Others went upstream from Lebeng.

MU669001 019

   Spoken: Kanami      naan       de   se  nasame          duet      sabang    
   Formal: Kanami      naan       de   se  nasame          due   te  sabang    
 Phonemic: kanami      na­an      de­  se  nasame­         du­e2#te  saba¥     
  Lexemes: kanami      na­a   =-N de­  se  nA-  =same­     du­e2#te  saba¥     
  Lex POS: pron        part   =– adt  cmk v_aff=?         pron #cmk n         
Lex Gloss: 1pe_NF(III) so/then=– only F   P_ObF=left_over there#NF  tributary 
 Word POS: pron        part       adt  cmk v               pron  cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: we(excl)    then       just the remained        there#at  tributary 

   Spoken: te  Lebeng. 
   Formal: te  Lebeng  
 Phonemic: te  Lebe¥   
  Lexemes: te  Lebe¥   
  Lex POS: cmk v_rt    
Lex Gloss: NF  bury    
 Word POS: cmk prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: of  Lebeng  

Just us were left there at the Lebeng stream mouth.

We were the only ones left there at the mouth of the Lebeng stream.

MU669001 020

   Spoken: Su         kene   keyg     pakapallahuy         su         kene  mag  
   Formal: su         kene   key      egpakapallahuy       su         kene  ma   
 Phonemic: su         kene­  key      ­egpakapallaguy      su         kene­ ma   
  Lexemes: su         kene­  key      ­eg- =pAkA-=pallaguy su         kene­ ma   
  Lex POS: conj       adv    pron     v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     conj       adv   part 
Lex Gloss: because/so not    1pe_F    NP   =INVOL=run      because/so not   DIM  
 Word POS: conj       adv    pron     v                    conj       adv   part 
Wrd Gloss: because    didn't we(excl) able_to_run          because    not   DIM  

   Spoken: pekeeleg            si         ame.  
   Formal: egpekeeleg          si         ame   
 Phonemic: ­egpeke­eleg        si         ­ame­ 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =pAkA-=­eleg   si         ­ame­ 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=adj     cmk        n     
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=true    F_PERS(sg) daddy 
 Word POS: v                   cmk        n     
Wrd Gloss: be_able_to_function -          dad   

We didn't run because Dad wasn't able to function.

We didn't flee because Dad wasn't up to it.

MU669001 021

   Spoken: Eggibat        naan       de   iya, egley-ang.     
   Formal: Eggibat        naan       de   iya  egley-ang      
 Phonemic: ­eghibat       na­an      de­  ­ia  ­egley­a¥      
  Lexemes: ­eg- =hibat    na­a   =-N de­  ­ia  ­eg- =ley­a¥   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt     part   =– adt  part v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: NP   =lie_down so/then=– only that NP   =lie_down 
 Word POS: v              part       adt  part v              
Wrd Gloss: lie_down       then       just that lie_down       

He could just lie down, on his back.

All he could do was to lie down on his back.

MU669001 022

   Spoken: Keneg pakakilid.        
   Formal: kene  egpakakilid       
 Phonemic: kene­ ­egpakakilid      
  Lexemes: kene­ ­eg- =pAkA-=kilid 
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff=v_aff=n     
Lex Gloss: not   NP   =INVOL=side  
 Word POS: adv   v                 
Wrd Gloss: not   able_to_roll_over 

He wasn't able to roll over.

He couldn't roll over.

MU669001 023

   Spoken: Keneg pakapinnuu          su         masakit            ka  bilat 
   Formal: kene  egpakapinnuu        su         masakit            ka  bilat 
 Phonemic: kene­ ­egpakapinnu­u      su         masakit            ka2 bilat 
  Lexemes: kene­ ­eg- =pAkA-=pinnu­u su         mA1-=sakit         ka2 bilat 
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    conj       aff =n             cmk n     
Lex Gloss: not   NP   =INVOL=sit     because/so ADJR=pain/sickness F   groin 
 Word POS: adv   v                   conj       adj                cmk n     
Wrd Gloss: not   able_to_sit_up      because    sore               the groin 

   Spoken: din. 
   Formal: din  
 Phonemic: din  
  Lexemes: din  
  Lex POS: pron 
Lex Gloss: 3s_F 
 Word POS: pron 
Wrd Gloss: his  

He wasn't able to sit up because his groin was painful.

He wasn't able to sit up because his groin was painful.

MU669001 024

   Spoken: Ne  kanami      naan       de   seg tanggu                 te  
   Formal: Ne  kanami      naan       de   se  egtanggu               te  
 Phonemic: ne  kanami      na­an      de­  se  ­egta¥gu               te  
  Lexemes: ne  kanami      na­a   =-N de­  se  ­eg- =ta¥gu            te  
  Lex POS: lnk pron        part   =– adt  cmk v_aff=v_rt             cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK 1pe_NF(III) so/then=– only F   NP   =nurse            NF  
 Word POS: lnk pron        part       adt  cmk v                      cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   we(excl)    then       just the look_after_the_animals -   

   Spoken: ayam                ney:       kalabew,      babuy, manuk.  
   Formal: ayam                ney        kalabew       babuy  manuk   
 Phonemic: ­ayam               ney        kalabew       babuy  manuk   
  Lexemes: ­ayam               ney        kalabew       babuy  manuk   
  Lex POS: n                   pron       n             n      n       
Lex Gloss: domesticated-animal 1pe_NF(II) water_buffalo pig    chicken 
 Word POS: n                   pron       n             n      n       
Wrd Gloss: domestic_animal     ours(excl) water_buffalo pig    chicken 

Only we were left to look after the animals: carabbao, pig, chicken.

Only we were left to look after the animals: the water buffaloes, pigs and chickens.

MU669001 025

   Spoken: Nataman,    mig-angey   key      e    te  apu        ku,       si         
   Formal: Nataman     mig-angey   key      e    te  apu        ku        si         
 Phonemic: nataman     mig­a¥ey    key      ­e   te  ­apu­      ku        si         
  Lexemes: nA-  =taman mig- =­a¥ey key      ­e   te  ­apu­      ku        si         
  Lex POS: v_aff=adv   v_aff=v_rt  pron     part cmk n          pron      cmk        
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=until P    =bring 1pe_F    COMP NF  chickenpox 1s_NF(II) F_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: v           v           pron     part cmk n          poss_pron cmk        
Wrd Gloss: finished    carried     we(excl) COMP -   chickenpox my        -          

   Spoken: apu        Ugtan. 
   Formal: apu        Ugtan  
 Phonemic: ­apu­      ­Ugtan 
  Lexemes: ­apu­      ­Ugtan 
  Lex POS: n          prop_n 
Lex Gloss: chickenpox Ugtan  
 Word POS: n          prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: chickenpox Ugtan  

Then we were fetched by my grandfather, grandfather Ugtan.

Then my grandfather Ugtan came to get us.

Notice that the verb does not have any suffix - yet the meaning is clearly as given above. i.e. object focus.

MU669001 026

   Spoken: Intitiang                       e    si         ame.  
   Formal: Intitiang                       e    si         ame   
 Phonemic: ­intiti­a¥                      ­e   si         ­ame­ 
  Lexemes: ­iN-  =rdpCV-=ti­a¥             ­e   si         ­ame­ 
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_aff =v_rt              part cmk        n     
Lex Gloss: P_AccF=INT    carry_on_shoulder COMP F_PERS(sg) daddy 
 Word POS: v                               part cmk        n     
Wrd Gloss: carried_on_shoulder             COMP -          dad   

Dad was carried on someone's shoulder.

Someone carried Dad over his shoulder.

MU669001 027

   Spoken: Dutung   key      e    itahu             te  liwaraan      te  Lebeng. 
   Formal: Dutung   key      e    itahu             te  liwaraan      te  Lebeng  
 Phonemic: dutun    key      ­e   ­itagu­           te  liwada­an     te  Lebe¥   
  Lexemes: dutu =-N key      ­e   ­i-     =tagu­    te  liwade­=-an   te  Lebe¥   
  Lex POS: dem  =– pron     part v_aff   =v_rt     cmk n      =v_aff cmk v_rt    
Lex Gloss: there=– 1pe_F    COMP UnA_AccF=put_away NF  half   =LocF  NF  bury    
 Word POS: dem      pron     part v                 cmk adj           cmk prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: there    we(excl) COMP store             at  middle        of  Lebeng  

We stored him there in the middle of the Lebeng.

We took him half-way up the Lebeng stream.

MU669001 028

   Spoken: Kalabew       ney        re   due       seini, babuy ney.       
   Formal: Kalabew       ney        re   due       seini  babuy ney        
 Phonemic: kalabew       ney        de­  du­e1     se­ini babuy ney        
  Lexemes: kalabew       ney        de­  du­e1     se­ini babuy ney        
  Lex POS: n             pron       adt  psd_v     pron   n     pron       
Lex Gloss: water_buffalo 1pe_NF(II) only there_is  this   pig   1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: n             pron       adt  psd_v     pron   n     pron       
Wrd Gloss: water_buffalo ours(excl) just there_was this   pig   we(excl)   

There was just our carabbao, and our pig.

We just had our carabbao and our pig.

Could 'due' be a demonstrative here?

MU669001 029

   Spoken: Ne  lasey     ku        teg pakasinehew         su         egtapik         
   Formal: Ne  lasey     ku        te  egpakasinehew       su         egtapik         
 Phonemic: ne  lasey     ku        te  ­egpakasinegew      su         ­egtapik        
  Lexemes: ne  lasey     ku        te  ­eg- =pAkA-=sinegew su         ­eg- =tapik     
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt?     pron      cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    conj       v_aff=v_rt      
Lex Gloss: LNK difficult 1s_NF(II) NF  NP   =INVOL=cry     because/so NP   =restrain  
 Word POS: lnk adj       pron      cmk v                   conj       v               
Wrd Gloss: -   difficult I         -   want_to_cry         because    restrain_animal 

   Spoken: a    te  kalabew       ne  pallahuy. 
   Formal: a    te  kalabew       ne  pallahuy  
 Phonemic: ­a   te  kalabew       ne  pallaguy  
  Lexemes: ­a   te  kalabew       ne  pallaguy  
  Lex POS: pron cmk n             lnk v_rt      
Lex Gloss: 1s_F NF  water_buffalo LNK run       
 Word POS: pron cmk n             lnk v         
Wrd Gloss: I    of  water_buffalo -   run       

It was difficult for me, I wanted to cry because I restrained the carabbao that ran.

It was so difficult that I wanted to cry because I had to restrain the water buffalo when it ran.

MU669001 030

   Spoken: Iney   ku,       me     kalaglahan      ney        seg 
   Formal: Iney   ku        me     kalaglahan      ney        se  
 Phonemic: ­iney  ku        me1    kalaglagan      ney        se  
  Lexemes: ­iney  ku        me1    kA><an-=laglag  ney        se  
  Lex POS: n      pron      adt    v_aff  =n       pron       cmk 
Lex Gloss: mother 1s_NF(II) PLURAL NOM    =baggage 1pe_NF(II) F   
 Word POS: n      poss_pron adt    n               pron       cmk 
Wrd Gloss: mother my        -      possessions     ours(excl) the 

   Spoken: panguyanen              din, hari            ku.       
   Formal: egpanguyanen            din  hari            ku        
 Phonemic: ­egpanguyanen           din  hadi            ku        
  Lexemes: ­eg- =paN- =­uyan=-en   din  hadi            ku        
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron n               pron      
Lex Gloss: NP   =DISTR=carry=ObF   3s_F younger_sibling 1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                       pron n               poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: carry                   her  younger_sibling my        

My mother, she carried our possessions and my younger sibling.

My mother carried our possessions and my younger sister.

MU669001 031

   Spoken: Si         Uggayan  ka  hari            ku,       babuy kag 
   Formal: Si         Uggayan  ka  hari            ku        babuy ka  
 Phonemic: si         ­Uggayan ka2 hadi            ku        babuy ka2 
  Lexemes: si         ­Uggayan ka2 hadi            ku        babuy ka2 
  Lex POS: cmk        prop_n   cmk n               pron      n     cmk 
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(sg) Uggayan  F   younger_sibling 1s_NF(II) pig   F   
 Word POS: cmk        prop_n   cmk n               poss_pron n     cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -          Uggayan  the younger_sibling my        pig   the 

   Spoken: tuyuken           din. 
   Formal: egtuyuken         din  
 Phonemic: ­egtuyuken        din  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =tuyuk=-en   din  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron 
Lex Gloss: NP   =lead =ObF   3s_F 
 Word POS: v                 pron 
Wrd Gloss: lead              she  

Uggayan, my younger sibling, she lead the pig.

My younger sister Uggayan lead the pig.

MU669001 032

   Spoken: Dueng    key      e    itahu             te  sabang    te  Kingunguan. 
   Formal: duen     key      e    itahu             te  sabang    te  Kingunguan  
 Phonemic: du­en    key      ­e   ­itagu­           te  saba¥     te  Ki¥u¥u­an   
  Lexemes: du­e2=-N key      ­e   ­i-     =tagu­    te  saba¥     te  Ki¥u¥u­an   
  Lex POS: pron =– pron     part v_aff   =v_rt     cmk n         cmk prop_n      
Lex Gloss: there=– 1pe_F    COMP UnA_AccF=put_away NF  tributary NF  Kingunguan  
 Word POS: dem      pron     part v                 cmk n         cmk prop_n      
Wrd Gloss: there    we(excl) COMP store             at  tributary of  Kingunguan  

There we put them at the mouth of the Kingunguan.

We put them all there at the mouth of the Kingunguan stream.

MU669001 033

   Spoken: Lasey     ney        te  taltalaanak               su         
   Formal: Lasey     ney        te  taltalaanak               su         
 Phonemic: lasey     ney        te  taltala­anak              su         
  Lexemes: lasey     ney        te  rdpCVC-=tAlA-      =­anak su         
  Lex POS: v_rt?     pron       cmk v_aff  =v_aff      =n     conj       
Lex Gloss: difficult 1pe_NF(II) NF  INT    =NR_RELATION=child because/so 
 Word POS: adj       pron       cmk n                         conj       
Wrd Gloss: difficult we(excl)   -   family                    because    

   Spoken: warad          duma      ney.       
   Formal: warad          duma      ney        
 Phonemic: wadad          duma      ney        
  Lexemes: wade­=-d       duma      ney        
  Lex POS: adv  =nonv_aff adj       pron       
Lex Gloss: no   =COMPL    other     1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: adt            n         pron       
Wrd Gloss: no_more        companion ours(excl) 

It was difficult for us as a family because we had no companion.

It was difficult for us as a family because we had no companions.

MU669001 034

   Spoken: Neendiyad               e    mas  kandan   te  diraya.       
   Formal: Neendiyad               e    ma   sikandan te  diraya        
 Phonemic: nehendiad               ­e   ma   sikandan te  didaya        
  Lexemes: nA-  =hendie­ =-d       ­e   ma   sikandan te  di-  =daya    
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    =nonv_aff part part pron     cmk v_aff=prep_rt 
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=go_there=COMPL    COMP DIM  3p_F     NF  POS  =upriver 
 Word POS: v                       part part pron     cmk n             
Wrd Gloss: went_there              COMP DIM  they     to  upstream      

They had already gone upstream.

They had already gone (further) upstream.

MU669001 035

   Spoken: Nekey naan       iya  teg kalihet              e    neg 
   Formal: nekey naan       iya  te  egkalihet            e    ne  
 Phonemic: nekey na­an      ­ia  te  ­egkaliget           ­e   ne  
  Lexemes: nekey na­a   =-N ­ia  te  ­eg- =kA1- =liget    ­e   ne  
  Lex POS: pron  part   =– part cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     part lnk 
Lex Gloss: what  so/then=– that NF  NP   =INVOL=continue COMP LNK 
 Word POS: pron  part       part cmk v                    part lnk 
Wrd Gloss: what  then       that -   continue             COMP -   

   Spoken: bubunu             si         Datu       Gawilan. 
   Formal: egbubunu           si         Datu       Gawilan  
 Phonemic: ­egbubunu­         si         datu­      Gawilan  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =rdpCV-=bunu­ si         datu­      Gawilan  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  cmk        n          prop_n   
Lex Gloss: NP   =INT   =fight F_PERS(sg) chief/rich Gawilan  
 Word POS: v                  cmk        adj        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: battle             -          chieftain  Gawilan  

What else but that Datu Gawilan was continuing to battle.

Datu Gawilan was continuing to fight.

MU669001 036

   Spoken: Nataman     te  Hulyu  kinsi   miggusey    e.   
   Formal: Nataman     te  Hulyu  kinsi   miggusey    e    
 Phonemic: nataman     te  Hulyu  kinsi   mighusey    ­e   
  Lexemes: nA-  =taman te  Hulyu  kinsi   mig- =husey ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff=adv   cmk prop_n num     v_aff=v_rt  part 
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=until NF  July   fifteen P    =judge COMP 
 Word POS: v           cmk prop_n num     v           part 
Wrd Gloss: finished    -   July   fifteen settled     COMP 

Finally it was settled on July fifteenth.

Finally the dispute was settled on July fifteenth.

MU669001 037

   Spoken: Iyan dumat     migguusey          si         Ilisardi. 
   Formal: Iyan duma  te  migguusey          si         Ilisardi  
 Phonemic: ­ian duma #te  mighuhusey         si         ­Ilisardi 
  Lexemes: ­ian duma #te  mig- =rdpCV-=husey si         ­Ilisardi 
  Lex POS: dem  adj  #cmk v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  cmk        prop_n    
Lex Gloss: that other#NF  P    =INT   =judge F_PERS(sg) Ilisardi  
 Word POS: dem  n    #cmk v                  cmk        prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: that other#of  settled            -          Elisardi  

Ilisardi also judged.

Elisardi also helped settle the case.

MU669001 038

   Spoken: Mig-angey   es   kandin   kayi te  Panganan su         si         Gawilan, 
   Formal: Mig-angey   e    sikandin kayi te  Panganan su         si         Gawilan  
 Phonemic: mig­a¥ey    ­e   sikandin kai  te  Pa¥anan  su         si         Gawilan  
  Lexemes: mig- =­a¥ey ­e   sikandin kai  te  Pa¥anan  su         si         Gawilan  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  part pron     dem  cmk prop_n   conj       cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: P    =bring COMP 3s_F     here NF  Panganan because/so F_PERS(sg) Gawilan  
 Word POS: v           part pron     dem  cmk prop_n   conj       cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: carried     COMP he       here at  Panganan because    -          Gawilan  

   Spoken: kayi mig-aput      te  Panganan. 
   Formal: kayi mig-aput      te  Panganan  
 Phonemic: kai  mig­aput      te  Pa¥anan   
  Lexemes: kai  mig- =­aput   te  Pa¥anan   
  Lex POS: dem  v_aff=v_rt    cmk prop_n    
Lex Gloss: here P    =shelter NF  Panganan  
 Word POS: dem  v             cmk prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: here sheltered     at  Panganan  

He fetched him from here because it was here at Panganan that Datu Gawilan sheltered.

Elisardi fetched Datu Gawilan from Panganan because it was here that he was sheltering.

No focus markers on mig-angey.

MU669001 039

   Spoken: Mig-angey   e    sikandin kayi te  helicopter kayi te  Panganan. 
   Formal: Mig-angey   e    sikandin kayi te  helicopter kayi te  Panganan  
 Phonemic: mig­a¥ey    ­e   sikandin kai  te  helicopter kai  te  Pa¥anan   
  Lexemes: mig- =­a¥ey ­e   sikandin kai  te  helicopter kai  te  Pa¥anan   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  part pron     dem  cmk n          dem  cmk prop_n    
Lex Gloss: P    =bring COMP 3s_F     here NF  helicopter here NF  Panganan  
 Word POS: v           part pron     dem  cmk n          dem  cmk prop_n    
Wrd Gloss: carried     COMP he       here at  helicopter here at  Panganan  

He fetched him from here at Panganan by helicopter.

Elisardi fetched Mayor Gawilan from Panganan here by helicopter.

sikandin=Datu Gawilan

MU669001 040

   Spoken: Mig-untud    e    sikandin. 
   Formal: Mig-untud    e    sikandin  
 Phonemic: mig­untud    ­e   sikandin  
  Lexemes: mig- =­untud ­e   sikandin  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   part pron      
Lex Gloss: P    =ride   COMP 3s_F      
 Word POS: v            part pron      
Wrd Gloss: rode         COMP he        

He rode in it.

He rode in it.

This would have been an amazing experience.

MU669001 041

   Spoken: Migdume     e    riye  te  - neendiye       te  Manila su         
   Formal: Migdume     e    riye  te  - neendiye       te  Manila su         
 Phonemic: migdume     ­e   die­  te  - nehendie­      te  Manila su         
  Lexemes: mig- =duma  ­e   die­  te  - nA-  =hendie­  te  Manila su         
  Lex POS: v_aff=adj   part dem   cmk - v_aff=v_rt     cmk prop_n conj       
Lex Gloss: P    =other COMP there NF  - P_ObF=go_there NF  Manila because/so 
 Word POS: v           part dem   cmk - v              cmk prop_n conj       
Wrd Gloss: accompanied COMP there at  - went_there     to  Manila because    

   Spoken: mig-insaan               e    te  gubirnu,   prisidinti. 
   Formal: mig-insaan               e    te  gubirnu    prisidinti  
 Phonemic: mig­insa­an              ­e   te  gubirnu    prisidinti  
  Lexemes: mig- =­inse­      =-an   ­e   te  gubirnu    prisidinti  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt        =v_aff part cmk n          n           
Lex Gloss: P    =question/ask=LocF  COMP NF  government president   
 Word POS: v                        part cmk n          n           
Wrd Gloss: asked                    COMP of  government president   

He accompanied him there to - he went there to Manila because he was questioned by the government, the president.

He went to Manila because he was questioned by the president.

i.e. President Marcos.

MU669001 042

   Spoken: Iyan din  inribildi      su         ka  Matigsalug               
   Formal: Iyan din  inribildi      su         ka  Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: ­ian din  ­inribildi     su         ka2 Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: ­ian din  ­iN-  =ribildi su         ka2 Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: dem  pron v_aff =v_rt    conj       cmk prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: that 3s_F P_AccF=rebel   because/so F   those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: dem  pron v              conj       cmk prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: that he   rebelled       because    the Matigsalug               

   Spoken: dengan,  wa    din  - ware  ilaa         te    gubirnu.   
   Formal: dengan   wa    din  - ware  ilaa         te    gubirnu    
 Phonemic: de¥an    wa­   din  - wade­ ­ilaa        te    gubirnu    
  Lexemes: de¥an    wade­ din  - wade­ ­ila=-a      te    gubirnu    
  Lex POS: adj      adv   pron - adv   v_rt=v_aff   cmk   n          
Lex Gloss: past     no    3s_F - no    know=UnA_ObF NF    government 
 Word POS: adj      adv   pron - adv   v            cmk   n          
Wrd Gloss: long_ago no    he   - no    know         about government 

He had rebelled, because long ago the government did not know the Matigsalugs.

He had rebelled because long ago the government did not know the Matigsalugs.

MU669001 043

   Spoken: Su         kahiyen     te  pegsuman       te  gubirnu,   ne  ka  etew   
   Formal: su         kahiyen     te  pegsuman       te  gubirnu    ne  ka  etew   
 Phonemic: su         kagien      te  pegsuman       te  gubirnu    ne  ka2 ­etew  
  Lexemes: su         kagi =-en   te  peg- =suman    te  gubirnu    ne  ka2 ­etew  
  Lex POS: conj       v_rt =v_aff cmk v_aff=v_rt     cmk n          lnk cmk n      
Lex Gloss: because/so speak=ObF   NF  NMR  =remember NF  government LNK F   person 
 Word POS: conj       v           cmk n              cmk n          lnk cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: because    said        by  thought        of  government -   the person 

   Spoken: ne  mig-ugpe     kayi te  Mindanao, neelin      ne  ubal,  ware  etew   
   Formal: ne  mig-ugpe     kayi te  Mindanao  neelin      ne  ubal   ware  etew   
 Phonemic: ne  mig­ugpe­    kai  te  Mindanao  ne­elin     ne  ­ubal  wade­ ­etew  
  Lexemes: ne  mig- =­ugpe­ kai  te  Mindanao  nA-  =­elin ne  ­ubal  wade­ ­etew  
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_rt   dem  cmk prop_n    v_aff=v_rt  lnk n      adv   n      
Lex Gloss: LNK P    =stay   here NF  Mindanao  P_ObF=all   LNK monkey no    person 
 Word POS: lnk v            dem  cmk prop_n    v           lnk n      adv   n      
Wrd Gloss: -   lived        here at  Mindanao  all         -   monkey no    person 

   Spoken: ka  pegsuman       te  gubirnu.   
   Formal: ka  pegsuman       te  gubirnu    
 Phonemic: ka2 pegsuman       te  gubirnu    
  Lexemes: ka2 peg- =suman    te  gubirnu    
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff=v_rt     cmk n          
Lex Gloss: F   NMR  =remember NF  government 
 Word POS: cmk n              cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: the thought        of  government 

According to the thoughts of the government, the people who lived here in Mindanao were only monkeys - not people was the thought of the government.

Apparently the government thought that only monkeys were living here on Mindanao - no people.

MU669001 044

   Spoken: Hinungdan migribildi    e    si         Datu       Gawilan su         
   Formal: keilangan migribildi    e    si         Datu       Gawilan su         
 Phonemic: ke­ila¥an migribildi    ­e   si         datu­      Gawilan su         
  Lexemes: ke­ila¥an mig- =ribildi ­e   si         datu­      Gawilan su         
  Lex POS: v_rt      v_aff=v_rt    part cmk        n          prop_n  conj       
Lex Gloss: need      P    =rebel   COMP F_PERS(sg) chief/rich Gawilan because/so 
 Word POS: v         v             part cmk        adj        prop_n  conj       
Wrd Gloss: need      rebelled      COMP -          chieftain  Gawilan because    

   Spoken: dutug ligkat       neila      key      e    te  gubirnu    ne  tribu ne  
   Formal: dutu  egligkat     neila      key      e    te  gubirnu    ne  tribu ne  
 Phonemic: dutu  ­egligkat    ne­ila     key      ­e   te  gubirnu    ne  tribu ne  
  Lexemes: dutu  ­eg- =ligkat nA-  =­ila key      ­e   te  gubirnu    ne  tribu ne  
  Lex POS: dem   v_aff=v_rt   v_aff=v_rt pron     part cmk n          lnk n     lnk 
Lex Gloss: there NP   =source P_ObF=know 1pe_F    COMP NF  government LNK tribe LNK 
 Word POS: dem   v            v          pron     part cmk n          lnk n     lnk 
Wrd Gloss: there came_from    knew       we(excl) COMP by  government -   tribe -   

   Spoken: Matigsalug.              
   Formal: Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: Matigsalug               

Datu Gawilan needed to rebel because out of that the government recognized the Matigsalug tribe.

Datu Gawilan needed to rebel because it was due to that that the government recognized the Matigsalug tribe.

MU669001 045

   Spoken: Su         impasalamatan              ney        si         Datu       
   Formal: su         impasalamatan              ney        si         Datu       
 Phonemic: su         ­impasalamatan             ney        si         datu­      
  Lexemes: su         ­iN-  =pa-  =salamat=-an   ney        si         datu­      
  Lex POS: conj       v_aff =v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff pron       cmk        n          
Lex Gloss: because/so P_AccF=CAUS =thank  =LocF  1pe_NF(II) F_PERS(sg) chief/rich 
 Word POS: conj       v                          pron       cmk        adj        
Wrd Gloss: so         gave_thanks                we(excl)   -          chieftain  

   Spoken: Gawilan su         kuntee    neila      key      e    te  gubirnu.   
   Formal: Gawilan su         kuntee    neila      key      e    te  gubirnu    
 Phonemic: Gawilan su         kunte­e   ne­ila     key      ­e   te  gubirnu    
  Lexemes: Gawilan su         kunte­e   nA-  =­ila key      ­e   te  gubirnu    
  Lex POS: prop_n  conj       adv       v_aff=v_rt pron     part cmk n          
Lex Gloss: Gawilan because/so now/today P_ObF=know 1pe_F    COMP NF  government 
 Word POS: prop_n  conj       adv       v          pron     part cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: Gawilan because    now       knew       we(excl) COMP by  government 

We thanked Datu Gawilan because now the government is aware of us.

We thank Datu Gawilan because now the government is aware of us.

MU669001 046

   Spoken: Warad          pegsuman-suman        te  gubirnu    ne  ka  me     ubal   
   Formal: Warad          pegsuman-suman        te  gubirnu    ne  ka  me     ubal   
 Phonemic: wadad          pegsumansuman         te  gubirnu    ne  ka2 me1    ­ubal  
  Lexemes: wade­=-d       peg- =rdpRT-=suman    te  gubirnu    ne  ka2 me1    ­ubal  
  Lex POS: adv  =nonv_aff v_aff=v_aff =v_rt     cmk n          lnk cmk adt    n      
Lex Gloss: no   =COMPL    NMR  =INT   =remember NF  government LNK F   PLURAL monkey 
 Word POS: adt            v                     cmk n          lnk cmk adt    n      
Wrd Gloss: no_more        thoughts              of  government -   the -      monkey 

   Spoken: ka  mig-ubpe     kayit    Mindanao su         etew   e.   
   Formal: ka  mig-ugpe     kayi te  Mindanao su         etew   e    
 Phonemic: ka2 mig­ugpe­    kai #te  Mindanao su         ­etew  ­e   
  Lexemes: ka2 mig- =­ugpe­ kai #te  Mindanao su         ­etew  ­e   
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff=v_rt   dem #cmk prop_n   conj       n      part 
Lex Gloss: F   P    =stay   here#NF  Mindanao because/so person COMP 
 Word POS: cmk v            dem  cmk prop_n   conj       n      part 
Wrd Gloss: the lived        here on  Mindanao because    person COMP 

There are no more thoughts of the government that the monkeys are the ones who live on Mindanao because there are people.

The government doesn't think any more that there are only monkeys living here on Mindanao because (they know) there are people.

MU669001 047

   Spoken: Su         dakeln       salamat te  miggimu       ni              
   Formal: su         dakel    ne  salamat te  miggimu       ni              
 Phonemic: su         dakel   #ne  salamat te  mighimu       ni              
  Lexemes: su         dakel   #ne  salamat te  mig- =himu    ni              
  Lex POS: conj       adj     #lnk v_rt    cmk v_aff=v_rt    cmk             
Lex Gloss: because/so big/many#LNK thank   NF  P    =make/do NF(II)_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: conj       adj     #lnk n       cmk v             cmk             
Wrd Gloss: so         big     #-   thanks  for made          of              

   Spoken: Datu       Gawilan sika su       eyew ka  gubirnu    
   Formal: Datu       Gawilan sika su eyew  -    ka  gubirnu    
 Phonemic: datu­      Gawilan sika su_­eyew -    ka2 gubirnu    
  Lexemes: datu­      Gawilan sika su_­eyew -    ka2 gubirnu    
  Lex POS: n          prop_n  pron conj     -    cmk n          
Lex Gloss: chief/rich Gawilan that so_that  -    F   government 
 Word POS: adj        prop_n  pron conj     -    cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: chieftain  Gawilan that so_that  -    the government 

   Spoken: nakanengneng                 e    te  duem        bes      ded           
   Formal: nakanengneng                 e    te  duen        bes      ded           
 Phonemic: nakane¥ne¥                   ­e   te  du­en       bes      ded           
  Lexemes: nAkA-       =ne¥ne¥          ­e   te  du­e1   =-N bes      de­ =-d       
  Lex POS: v_aff       =v_rt            part cmk psd_v   =– part     part=nonv_aff 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF =know/understand COMP NF  there_is=– surprise only=COMPL    
 Word POS: v                            part cmk psd_v       part     part          
Wrd Gloss: knew                         COMP -   there_is    SURPISE  just_COMPL    

   Spoken: etew   kayit    Mindanao ne  ngaranan    te  Matigsalug.              
   Formal: etew   kayi te  Mindanao ne  ngaranan    te  Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: ­etew  kai #te  Mindanao ne  ¥adanan     te  Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: ­etew  kai #te  Mindanao ne  ¥adan=-an   te  Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: n      dem #cmk prop_n   lnk n    =v_aff cmk prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: person here#NF  Mindanao LNK name =LocF  NF  those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: n      dem  cmk prop_n   lnk v           cmk prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: person here on  Mindanao -   named       -   Matigsalug               

A big thank-you for what Datu Gawilan did because the government knows that there are in fact people here on Mindanao called Matigsalugs.

We are very grateful for what Datu Gawilan did because now the governments that there are in fact people here on Mindanao called Matigsalugs.

MU669001 048

   Spoken: Su         kayi re   taman     te  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            
   Formal: su         kayi re   taman     te  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            
 Phonemic: su         kai  de­  taman     te  keddi­     ne  pa¥guguden             
  Lexemes: su         kai  de­  taman     te  keddi­     ne  paN- =gugud     =-en   
  Lex POS: conj       dem  part adv       cmk pron       lnk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: because/so here only until     NF  1s_NF(III) LNK DISTR=tell_story=ObF   
 Word POS: conj       dem  part n         cmk poss_pron  lnk v                      
Wrd Gloss: so         here just as_far_as -   my         -   story                  

   Spoken: te    kanami      ne  ulaula   te  Matigsalug.              
   Formal: te    kanami      ne  ulaula   te  Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: te    kanami      ne  ­ula­ula te  Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: te    kanami      ne  ­ula­ula te  Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: cmk   pron        lnk n        cmk prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: NF    1pe_NF(III) LNK face     NF  those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: cmk   pron        lnk n        cmk prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: about we(excl)    -   face     -   Matigsalug               

Here ends my story about our customs of the Matigsalugs.

Here ends my story about Matigsalug history.